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Dank Chronicles: Exploring Cannabis and CBD

Guide to CBD TincturesCBD

Your All-Encompassing Guide to CBD Tinctures

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, and CBD infused products have enjoyed a rise in popularity over the last few years, and for good reason. CBD has been proven to have many positive effects on the human body. In fact, we are still in the process of uncovering the many possible medicinal uses, both for mental health issues and physical ailments.
CBD GummiesCBD

A Thorough CBD Gummies Review

Gummies being used as more than just candy is nothing new. For years and years, households have kept jars of vitamin gummies in stock, along with the rest of the supplies in their medicine cabinet. So it’s not outlandish to consider other potential ways for gummies to help our health. One particular usage currently increasing in popularity is as a way of introducing cannabidiol, more often referred to as CBD, into our system. But what are CBD gummies, and how do CBD gummies work? Read on to find out the answers to all these questions and more.
Guide to the Best Vape Juices AvailableProduct Reviews

The Top 10 Vape Juices: A Guide to the Best E-Juices Available

As vaping continues to rise in popularity, the amount of options when it comes to vape juice has skyrocketed. With so many products out there, it can be tough to figure out which are the best vape juice brands and where to find the best vape juice online. That’s why we’ve scoured many sources to put together the ultimate list of the top 10 best vape juice on the market. Not only will we be assessing what is the best vape juice flavor, but we’ll also share where to buy vape juice and answer any related questions, like how much does vape juice cost. Stay tuned at the end of the list for some helpful tips on vape safety and pointers on how to get the best experience while vaping.
An In-Depth Guide to Blue Dream Cannabis and CBDCBD

An In-Depth Guide to Blue Dream Cannabis and CBD

With so many choices available when it comes to cannabis and CBD, it can be difficult to differentiate between the various strains and their respective benefits. That’s why we highlight individual strains and offer you an in-depth breakdown of what makes them unique. Today’s featured strain is called Blue Dream.
CBD Dog TreatsCBD

CBD Dog Treats – Do They Work?

The many remarkable medicinal applications of CBD are no secret. There are now myriad products available and all easily found online, from colorful gummies to honey flavored tinctures and more. But you might be wondering if humans are the only ones that can benefit from the life-changing effects of CBD. What about dogs? After all, there are many other forms of medication humans use that can also be given to dogs, albeit in smaller amounts. Is CBD safe for our canine friends, and if so, what sort of benefits could they enjoy?