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CBD Breakfast Lassi

CBD Breakfast Lassi

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The Lassi is a traditional Indian drink that isn’t only a great source of energy in the morning – it also includes plenty of healthy fats and nutrients that last for several hours. Combine this with CBD tincture, and you can experience a sense of calmness while absorbing essential nutrients to get through the work day. This recipe does contain dairy, but you can absolutely craft something delicious with your favorite plant-based milk, butter, and yogurts.


  • 1 c plain Greek yogurt (plant-based if you prefer)
  • ½ c whole milk (or plant-based milk)
  • 1 T butter (or a plant-based substitute)
  • 5 drops of CBD tincture
  • 1 peach, diced
  • 1 t of grated ginger
  • 1 c mango chunks (check the freezer section of your favorite grocer)


  1. Add the yogurt, milk, butter, and CBD tincture to a blender and mix until smooth.
  2. After the mixture is finished, add the ginger and fruit and blend again.
  3. When the drink is at your desired consistency, pour it into a glass and enjoy!


If you can’t consume dairy or are vegan, you can replace the whole milk, yogurt, or butter with their respective substitute options. However, doing this may reduce the absorption rate of the CBD. Experiment with different ingredients to find the combination that works for you. Lastly, you can add mint leaves or honey to the final result if you want to enhance the flavor, but this is completely optional.
